Below is our Database of CAD Software including compatible operating systems and requisite experience level. Many of the programs below have free options.
The full database is also available for download. It contains more than 100 programs including file formats and prices.
Check back often for updates and leave a comment below with information to include in the database.
CAD Software | Level | OS |
3D Builder | Beginner | Windows, Windows Mobile, Xbox One, and Windows Hololense |
3D Crafter | Beginner | Windows |
3D Slash | Beginner | Windows, macOS, Linux, Raspberry Pi or Browser |
Antimony | Intermediate | macOS, Linux |
Art of Illusion | Intermediate | Windows, macOS and Linux |
AutoCAD | Advanced | Browser, Windows, macOS and Linux |
Blender | Advanced | Windows, macOS and Linux |
BlocksCAD | Beginner | Browser |
BRL-CAD | Advanced | Windows, macOS and Linux |
CATIA | Advanced | Windows, macOS and Linux |
CREO | Intermediate | Windows, macOS and Linux |
DesignSpark | Advanced | Windows |
eMachineShop | Intermediate | Windows |
FreeCAD | Intermediate | Windows, macOS and Linux |
Fusion 360 | Intermediate | Windows, macOS |
Houdini Apprentice | Advanced | Windows, macOS, and Linux |
Leopoly | Beginner | Browser |
LibreCAD | Beginner | Windows, macOS and Linux |
MagicaVoxel | Beginner | Windows, macOS |
Meshmixer | Intermediate | Windows, macOS and Linux |
nanoCAD | Advanced | Windows |
Onshape | Advanced | Windows, macOS, Linux and Browser |
OpenSCAD | Advanced | Windows, macOS and Linux |
QCAD | Intermediate | Windows, macOS and Linux |
Rhino | Advanced | Windows, macOS and Linux |
SculptGL | Beginner | Browser |
Sculptris | Intermediate | Windows, macOS |
SelfCAD | Intermediate | Browser |
SketchUp Free | Intermediate | Browser |
Smoothie 3D | Beginner | Browser |
Solidworks | Advanced | Windows, macOS and Linux |
SolveSpace | Intermediate | Windows, macOS and Linux |
TinkerCAD | Beginner | Browser |
TurboCAD | Beginner | Windows, macOS and Linux |
Vectary | Intermediate | Browser |
Wings 3D | Beginner | Windows, macOS and Linux |